differences between ns-2 and ns-3 with help of following points.

Sr noDifference pointns-2Ns-3
1.SupportNs-2 is not actively maintained and no longer support provided.1. Ns-3 is actively maintained with very good support.
2. It is not backward compatible with ns-2.
2.Architecture1.ns-2 is made with C++ and Otcl language.
2. Tcl is used as scripting language for network simulation
1. ns-3 is made with C++ and python.
2. Instead of scripting language, there is object oriented language and another option is python(Provided that module contains python wrapper).
3.Programming languageC++, Otcl, Tcl script.C++, Python.
4.RecompilationRecompilation is long process and many times fails.Recompilation is fast and within done in single command i.e. ./waf command
5.Post analysis supported file formats1..nam for network animation
2. .tr for trace parameters.
3. .xg for xgraph
1. .xml for network animation.
2. .tr for trace analysis.
3. .pcap for wireshark analysis
4. .csv as comma separated values [helpful for the gnuplot].
6.Network visualizationNam animator1. PyViz as python visualizer
2. NetAnim as network animation
7.OtherOnly simulation1. With simulation there is emulation also.
2. DCE environment is provided in which used to simulate Linux kernel network stack.


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